Saturday, June 29, 2024

First POTA

 I finally got all the pieces together and went out to do a Parks on the Air activation. The two closest parks are currently beneath the currents of the Missouri River, so I had to go to plan C. Boy am I glad I did! 

I had never been to the Glenwood Archeological Preserve until this morning, and it is a really pretty spot. Also, lots if great trees for tossing up a line and getting an antenna in the air.

Not counting setup and take-down, I operated for roughly an hour and 45 minutes and made 41 contacts. It was a lot of fun!

Here are some pictures:

I used my Xiegu G90 at 10 watts, TalentCell 12V 6Ah battery, CWMorse paddle, and a 66 foot end-fed sloper. Worked pretty good. Definitely going to do this again!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Field Day 2024

On the fourth full weekend in June each year there is a nationwide emergency communications exercise called "Field Day." Amateur radio operators and clubs practice deploying ad hoc communication networks "in the field" under emergency conditions like battery, solar, or generator power and use improvised antenna systems. The event lasts a full 24 hours and stations log their contacts to be submitted for points. 

 The Plattsmouth Amateur Radio Club set up in Murray at Young Park. Here are some pictures.
